4 Ways to Minimize Legionella Risk

Knowing Who, What, When and Why

  • 26 February 2019
  • Author: Dominick Tuzzo
  • Number of views: 6380
4 Ways to Minimize Legionella Risk

Simply defined:  Risk Management is the process of identification, analysis, and either acceptance, or control of risks you’ve identified.

Deaerator Design and Operation

  • 12 February 2019
  • Author: Chem-Aqua, Inc
  • Number of views: 21118
Deaerator Design and Operation

A deaerator preheats boiler feedwater and removes dissolved gases, especially oxygen and carbon dioxide. These gases are undesirable because they cause corrosion and increase treatment chemical requirements. 

Deaerators operate based on the reduced solubility of dissolved gases as temperature increases. For example, the solubility of oxygen decreases from about five ppm at 150ºF to about two ppm at 190ºF. Virtually all the free carbon dioxide gas is removed by increasing the temperature to greater than 170ºF.