Learning the Language of Microbiological Control

Key Terms for Water Treatment Novices

Learning the Language of Microbiological Control

Water treatment specialists can forget that their clients may not understand the technical terms used in our industry. The language of microbiological control can be particularly confusing. To help establish a common working vocabulary, it’s important to define some key terms. Let’s get started!

Dead Legs, Biofilm, and Legionnaires Disease

One Thing Leads to Another

  • 13 November 2017
  • Author: Allan Browning
  • Number of views: 15866
Dead Legs, Biofilm, and Legionnaires Disease

Dead legs in building water systems can cause severe problems, including persistent positive Legionella test results and an increased incidence of Legionnaires’ disease. A basic understanding of dead legs, how to recognize them, and how to manage the problems they cause can help building owners reduce the risks associated with Legionella and other pathogens in their water systems.