What is Scale and How Does it Impact Water Treatment?

  • 16 June 2020
  • Author: Chenoa Hill
  • Number of views: 15747
What is Scale and How Does it Impact Water Treatment?

Hard water has been causing issues for humanity for ages, whether it is making it difficult to wash our clothes and cars, or depositing on our hot water heaters and kettles. Hardness scale is typically the combination of calcium and magnesium compounds that have precipitated out of water (e.g., calcium carbonate, magnesium silicate). This tough deposit forms in HVAC cooling systems and process water systems and can wreak havoc by decreasing system life and increasing energy usage, maintenance, and operational costs.

Understanding Cooling System Tests and Critical Parameters

  • 13 August 2019
  • Author: Chem-Aqua, Inc
  • Number of views: 8714
Understanding Cooling System Tests and Critical Parameters

Cooling towers are a critical component in many water systems, providing comfort or process cooling across a broad spectrum of technologies and applications. Cooling towers vary greatly in design and footprint, but all have the main goal: to provide removal of waste heat from processes or building systems. Control parameters are critical to maintaining any cooling system to improve water and energy efficiency, maximize equipment life expectancy, reduce hazards, and minimize downtime.