When is a Condensate Polisher Needed?

When is a Condensate Polisher Needed?

In the realm of industrial water treatment, maintaining the purity of condensate is paramount for the efficient operation of steam-boiler systems. Condensate is the hot, high-purity water produced as a byproduct of condensing steam in various industrial processes. It is very valuable but can contain impurities that, if left untreated, can lead to detrimental effects on equipment and operations.

Waterborne Disease Outbreaks

Waterborne Disease Outbreaks

A recently released CDC study (Surveillance of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water — United States, 2015–2020) found that out of 214 outbreaks associated with drinking water over the study period, 87% were associated with biofilms. Although 214 outbreaks over 5 years may appear to be a small number, it is important to consider the impact. 

All About Cooling Tower Makeup and Blowdown

All About Cooling Tower Makeup and Blowdown

Cooling towers use makeup water to replace the water lost through evaporation and blowdown, as shown in Figure 1 below.  Typically, city or well water is used.  The quantity and quality of these waters can be easily measured with water meters and analytical equipment. 

What Makes Condensate So Valuable

  • 6 février 2024
  • Author: Chem-Aqua, Inc
  • Number of views: 2950
What Makes Condensate So Valuable

As steam is used in a process and gives up its heat energy, it becomes a liquid called condensate. This condensate is an exceptionally valuable resource that is typically designed to be recovered and used back into the boiler system.

Deaerator Venting: The Good, the Bad, and the Inefficient

  • 23 janvier 2024
  • Author: Jeff Lazor
  • Number of views: 2887
Deaerator Venting: The Good, the Bad, and the Inefficient

A properly functioning deaerator is critical to the protection of steam boiler systems. Venting is important for the proper operation of a deaerator. Routine monitoring of venting can provide clues for identifying and solving potential problems. When deaerators have issues, they send out distress signals for all to see, but so often they are overlooked. The vent is rarely where it can be conveniently observed and in many cases it isn’t even visible. The vent’s physical layout can tell you a lot, but the venting can tell a story like no other.

Understanding Steam System Tests and Critical Parameters

  • 9 janvier 2024
  • Author: Chem-Aqua, Inc
  • Number of views: 2917
Understanding Steam System Tests and Critical Parameters

Steam boiler systems provide energy to a variety of commercial, institutional, and industrial applications. Properly treated water is necessary for reliable and efficient operation of these systems. Water treatment control ranges for steam boilers can vary based upon the makeup water quality, boiler design, operating pressure, steam requirements, and steam quality/purity needs.

Monitoring Ionic Balances in Cooling Towers

  • 5 décembre 2023
  • Author: James McDonald
  • Number of views: 3074
Monitoring Ionic Balances in Cooling Towers

The term “cycles of concentration” is the basis for one of the most important concepts in industrial water treatment. The cycles of concentration measure the degree to which the solid impurities in the makeup water are concentrated in the recirculating water of an evaporative system. The higher this ratio, the more the impurities in the makeup water are being concentrated in the system water. This directly impacts the system’s water usage and treatment requirements along with the potential for waterside problems to occur, such as scale deposits and corrosion.

Importance of Expansion Tank Monitoring in Closed Hydronic Systems

  • 6 novembre 2023
  • Author: John Bychowski
  • Number of views: 3402
Importance of Expansion Tank Monitoring in Closed Hydronic Systems

As water changes temperatures, its volume can expand or contract. This physical characteristic is important when designing closed recirculating hydronic systems without open sumps/tanks. These closed systems have specific volumes with pressure relief valves that will release water if the pressure set point is exceeded to avoid bursting pipes or damaging other equipment

Troubleshooting Water Softener Capacity Problems

Design and Operational Impacts

  • 17 octobre 2023
  • Author: Jeff Lazor
  • Number of views: 4422
Troubleshooting Water Softener Capacity Problems

Theoretically, the maximum hardness-removal capacity of a water softener can be calculated from the grains of hardness of the water to be softened, the volume of resin, and the resin capacity expressed in grains/gallon. The actual capacity of a water softener may be impacted by many factors:

Steps for Bringing a Seasonal Boiler Back Online

  • 22 août 2023
  • Author: Tony Self
  • Number of views: 2749
Steps for Bringing a Seasonal Boiler Back Online

It’s that time of year when seasonal boilers should be prepared for the heating season. Before flipping that power switch to the “ON” position, however, the entire steam distribution and condensate return system needs to be surveyed to ensure it is ready for safe and successful operation.