Chem-Aqua is committed to doing business to responsibly safeguard and protect human health and the environment. With this in mind, NCH has adopted an updated Global Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy. Chem-Aqua conducts all business activities with integrity in a responsible manner, with the goal of safeguarding and protecting human health and the environment.
Effective water treatment programs that helps maximize the life, efficiency, and reliability of boiler and cooling water systems is integral for the operation of energy and resource efficient facilities. The excess energy costs and greenhouse emissions associated with scale deposits and especially biofilm on heat transfer surfaces can be significant. Operating water systems to use less water and generate less wastewater while balancing any negative impacts to efficient heat transfer and equipment life is key. More Information
Chem-Aqua uses the GHS classification labeling system for all product labels and safety data sheets. More Information
NCH Corporation (Chem-Aqua's parent company) is a global leader in industrial, commercial, and institutional maintenance products and services, and one of the largest companies in the world to sell such products directly through a network of professional sales representatives. As a one-source supplier, NCH Corporation distributes safety supplies, maintenance supplies and shop and warehouse equipment that complement the core product lines and services you receive from your representative. More Information