Legionella: To Sample, or Not To Sample?...That is the Question

What's required and what is my sampling plan?

Legionella: To Sample, or Not To Sample?...That is the Question

The simple answer is no (not directly), and here’s why:  There is no known safe level of Legionella in a building water system.  Therefore, even a non-detect sample result is not necessarily “safe.” The reason why is because the life cycle of this organism, coupled with the stresses put on it via temperature, disinfectants, etc. found within building water systems, may cause it to enter a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state. 

4 Ways to Minimize Legionella Risk

Knowing Who, What, When and Why

  • 26 February 2019
  • Author: Dominick Tuzzo
  • Number of views: 6444
4 Ways to Minimize Legionella Risk

Simply defined:  Risk Management is the process of identification, analysis, and either acceptance, or control of risks you’ve identified.

Biofilm, Amoeba, and Legionella

Steps to their Growth

  • 30 October 2018
  • Author: Chem-Aqua, Inc
  • Number of views: 5589
Biofilm, Amoeba, and Legionella

Biofilms are the root cause of serious problems in building potable and industrial water systems including clogged piping, reduced heat transfer efficiency, microbiologically-influenced corrosion, and Legionella transmission. Biofilms are dynamic, complex structures optimized for microbial growth and survival, which make them difficult to remove and control.